How The Virtual Sapiens’ Presence Portal Positively Impacts Students at Global Universities


The case study evaluates the impact of Virtual Sapiens Presence Portal on both undergraduate and graduate level student populations, focusing on enhancing presence and communication skills as a result of AI video coaching. The results demonstrate significant positive outcomes measured by high participation rates, positive improvements from baseline as well as self-reported improvements in the categories of confidence, self-awareness and communication effectiveness.

How The Virtual Sapiens' Presence Portal Positively Impacts Students at Global Universities


Virtual Sapiens Presence Portal aims to enhance student’s presence and communication effectiveness through AI-facilitated coaching. The case study examines the effectiveness of the portal in improving students’ video presence and communication effectiveness.


  • Do students engage with the tool seriously? Taking full advantage of the Presence Portal offerings? 
  • Assess the participation rates and engagement of students using Virtual Sapiens Presence Portal.
  • Do students improve measurably, based on Virtual Sapiens presence and communication metrics?                   
  • Evaluate the impact of repeated assessments on users’ improvement from baseline in various communication categories.
  • Does AI-driven feedback positively influence communication behaviors and habit formation?                            
  •   Track progress to demonstrate measurable improvement across student groups.                                                 
  •  Survey participants for felt-sense of improvement in addition to measured outcomes.


The study tracked usage-to-improvement rates among over 1,500 student users in both undergraduate and graduate levels, from Boston University and IMD (Switzerland), over the course of multiple semesters. 

Data included participation rates, the number of assessments taken, and improvements observed in different communication categories over the course of multiple assessments. This data is collected within the Virtual Sapiens Presence Portal. The case study also includes self-reported responses from a post-participation survey. 


First, universities are struggling to provide large student populations with effective and equitable ways to receive personalized feedback and objective measures for progress tracking when it comes to improved presence and communication skills. 

Second, finding ways to practice and measure improvement as students integrate class learnings is a challenge. 

Third, the efficacy of AI based coaching when it comes to positively influencing human behavior, especially in the context of communication skills development, is new and requires close monitoring to ensure efficacy.


Virtual Sapiens Presence Portal addresses the problems by providing AI-driven feedback designed to enhance video presence and communication skills at scale. The portal focuses on delivering human-like and approachable feedback, along with actionable suggestions. The portal also provides mechanisms for progress tracking over multiple assessment attempts as well as a Learning Lab with videos and content to support individual learner journeys.


  • 100% Participation and Platform Success Rate: A remarkable achievement for any self-serve software. This indicates high user engagement and exceptional technology platform performance and usability.
  • +99% Repeated Assessments from Baseline: Almost all students took more than one assessment. With 95% taking the fully allotted number approved by their admins.
  • Improved Trends with Multiple Assessments: Users taking three assessments showed the greatest improvement in every communication category. The average improvement from baseline across diverse student groups is 15%.                                                                                      Communication categories of Perceived Trustworthiness and Energy and Expression were the largest performers with an average improvement of 20%-30%.
  • Self-reported statistics support high perceived value from platform usage:                                                     
  • 97% of users report increased self-awareness and confidence as a result of using the Presence Portal.             
  • 95% of users report finding the Presence Portal a helpful, convenient way to improve their communication as professionals. Finding the portal intuitive, accessible and effective. 


The results defy historical skepticism regarding the effectiveness of AI in coaching and provide a solution for personalized communication coaching at scale. Virtual Sapiens Presence Portal not only captures users’ attention but also induces positive behavioral changes, fostering the development of new habits in digital settings of professional communication. 


Leverage the success of Virtual Sapiens Presence Portal to enhance video presence and communication skills in educational settings. Encourage users to take multiple assessments for sustained improvement.


The case study demonstrates the substantial impact of Virtual Sapiens Presence Portal on student populations, emphasizing the positive influence of AI-driven feedback on video presence and communication skills. The results align with previous client case studies, reaffirming the effectiveness of the portal.