The Best Way To Interpret AI Facilitated Coaching

In this week’s AMA, Dr. Marono and I discuss the best mindsets to use when receiving and applying AI-facilitated coaching.

As more and more AI coaching softwares present themselves, it’s important to be diligent in your selection process.

As Dr. Marono and I discuss in the below video, there are many AI companies out there who lack real scientific rigor in the way they apply their models, providing inaccurate and often times irrelevant feedback. We are grateful to have Dr. Marono’s sharp eye as an additional watch dog keeping our insights and metrics aligned with the most up to date, peer-reviewed research. 

It is also critical to keep in mind that when AI delivers feedback, it is still up to you to interpret the results and decide how you would like to apply the feedback towards improved behaviors. At Virtual Sapiens, we take great care to ensure that we are not providing feedback that is too restrictive. We don’t want to prescribe specific actions, but rather, we want to help our users reflect on their behaviors and apply our feedback in a way that feels authentic. 

In this way, we can ensure our metrics are accurate, and directionally correct.

Check out the full conversation below!